Date of Award

Spring 5-2016

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Urban and Regional Planning


Planning and Urban Studies

Major Professor

Dr. Bethany Stich

Second Advisor

Dr. David Gladstone

Third Advisor

James Amdal


Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) provides a great platform for the planners to reduce environmental externalities from auto. We now have access to real time data. We have been using shortest path to provide route choice to the user. But we have the potential to add more variables in choosing routes. Real time data can be used to measure carbon di-oxide emission during a trip. Also, fuel efficiency can be measured using the real time data. Planners should use this potential of ITS to reduce the environmental impact. This paper thus try to evaluate if considering three variables shortest path, environmental impact and fuel efficiency together instead of only shortest path will change the route choice or not. It provides case studies on different types of routes and between different sets of origin /destination to evaluate the combined influence of these three variables on route choice.


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