Date of Award

Spring 5-2016

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Electrical Engineering


Electrical Engineering

Major Professor

Dr. Parviz Rastgoufard

Second Advisor

Dr. Ittiphong Leevongwat

Third Advisor

Dr. Ebrahim Amiri


The purpose of this thesis is to validate generator models for dynamic studies of power systems using PSS/E (Power System Simulator for Engineering), EMTP (ElectroMagnetic Transient Program), and Hypersim. To thoroughly evaluate the behavior of a power system in the three specified software packages, it is necessary to have an accurate model for the power system, especially the generator which is of interest. The effect of generator modeling on system response under normal conditions and under faulted conditions is investigated in this work. A methodology based on sensitivity analysis of generator model parameters is proposed aiming to homogenize the behavior of the same power system that is modeled in three software packages. Standard IEEE 14-Bus system is used as a test case for this investigation. Necessary changes in the exciter parameters are made using the proposed methodology so that the system behaves identical across all three software platforms.


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