Date of Award

Spring 5-2016

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Civil Engineering


Civil and Environmental Engineering

Major Professor

Mattei, Norma Jean

Second Advisor

Ghose Hajra, Malay

Third Advisor

Egeseli, Engin


Latest advancements in software have become an indispensable tool in structural analysis. The main goal of this thesis is to examine dynamic responses of bridges in seismic activity with the help of such tool as CSi Bridge. Therefore, throughout this study, a prestressed concrete bridge model will be thoroughly designed. In the first section, the required materials and structural components will be introduced. The following section will cover calculations required for modeling. The actual modeling of the structure will be carried out in Section 3. In Section 4, the set of required analysis for seismic design such as modal, pushover and response spectrum will be conducted. Lastly, in Section 5, analysis results will be evaluated. Thus, by examining the entire model, its construction, materials used, provided properties and conditions such as location on earth, seismic magnitude, it will be determined whether the design is sufficient and acceptable or not.


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