Date of Award

Spring 5-2016

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Urban Studies



Major Professor

Mahtab Lodhi

Second Advisor

Peter Yaukey

Third Advisor

David Gladstone


The town of Grand Isle, Louisiana, and its rich geographic history, can offer insight into the early history of the State of Louisiana and the establishment of the United States as a country, as well as the study of the formation of barrier islands and methods of land use with such areas. The following thesis presents a geographic, as well as a historical, analysis of Grand Isle’s history. It attempts to answer the following questions: What is the shape, form, and origin of the physical landscape of Grand Isle? How have humans interacted with the land and surrounding areas of Grand Isle? And what impacts, if any, have these interactions had on the island and its landscape? These questions include research into both the built environment and the natural environment.


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