Date of Award

Spring 5-2016

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Electrical Engineering


Electrical Engineering

Major Professor

Leevongwat, Ittiphong

Second Advisor

Rastgoufard, Parviz

Third Advisor

Amiri, Ebrahim


A real-time simulator (RTS) with digital and analog input/output modules is used to conduct hardware-in-the-loop simulations to evaluate performance of power system equipment such as protective relays by exposing the equipment to the simulated realistic operating conditions. This work investigates the use of RTS to test relays with single-pole-switching (SPS) feature. Single-pole switching can cause misoperations due to fault arc during reclosing of the breakers. Through this investigation, a test procedure appropriate for the testing SPS relays has been developed. The test procedure includes power system modeling for real time simulation, relay test setup, and test plan. HYPERSIM real-time simulator was used to model an actual power system. Transmission lines, three-winding transformers, and induction motor were modeled with actual parameters. Models for fault arc in HYPERSIM real time simulator were developed. Test set-up for evaluating relay performance and wiring drawings for connecting relay in closed-loop to the simulator were developed.


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