Date of Award
Fall 12-2016
Degree Type
Degree Name
Degree Program
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Major Professor
Kulp, Mark
Second Advisor
Georgiou, Ioannis
Third Advisor
Fitzgerald, Duncan
The Biloxi Marsh of the eastern Mississippi River delta plain is exposed to meteorological forces ranging from large-scale, mid-latitude cyclones to smaller scale storms and squalls. Each time that these marsh platforms are exposed to a storm event, the potential exists for either deposition or erosion to take place. This study examines the connection between wind speeds, stratigraphic composition, marsh edge morphology, and marsh edge erosion at 4 sites in the Biloxi Marsh. As much as 2.17 m of erosion were measured during the 9-month study with a maximum, averaged erosion rate of 0.03 m day-1. Shell berm transgression was also documented as the result of winds from a low-pressure system near the site that resulted large waves. Shell berm movement occurred as a result of high wind speeds on shore but there was no connection between wind speeds and erosion for the duration of this study across all sites.
Recommended Citation
Thomason, Rachelle, "Biloxi Marsh Platform Response due to Meteorological Forcing" (2016). University of New Orleans Theses and Dissertations. 2280.
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