Date of Award

Summer 8-2017

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program




Major Professor

Haber, Yotam

Second Advisor

Atkins, Victor

Third Advisor

Williams, Robin


Twenty-two miniatures of the Tarot is a cycle for chamber ensemble related to the twenty-two major arcana of the Tarot. Indeed, the intention of this composition is to capture the esoteric essence for each Major Arcana of the Tarot, making them speak musically in a contemporary language of music. Ideally, this cycle should be performed in the same order as the Tarot cycle, which has a number for each Major Arcana: 1) The Magician, 2) The High Priestess, 3) The Empress, 4) The Emperor, 5) The Pope, 6) The Lover, 7) The Chariot, 8) Justice, 9) The Hermit, 10) The Wheel of Fortune, 11) Strength, 12) The Hanged Man, 13) The Nameless Arcanum, 14) Temperance, 15) The Devil, 16) The Tower, 17) The Star, 18) The Moon, 19) The Sun, 20) Judgment, 21) The World and 22) The Fool.


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