Date of Award

Summer 8-2017

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Computer Science


Computer Science

Major Professor

Dr. Vassil Roussev

Second Advisor

Dr. Irfan Ahmed

Third Advisor

Dr. Christopher Summa


The use of physical systems and Virtual Machines has become inefficient and expensive for creating tailored, hands-on exercises for providing cyber security training. The main purpose of this project is to directly address these issues faced in cyber security education with the help of Docker containers. Using Docker, a lightweight and automated platform was developed for creating, sharing, and managing hands-on exercises. With the help of orchestration tools, this platform provides a centralized point to monitor and control the systems and exercises with a high degree of automation. In a classroom/lab environment, this infrastructure enables instructors and students not only to share exercises but also helps create and deploy exercises more easily. By streamlining the end to end delivery and deployment of the exercises, instructors can now efficiently make use of the class/lab hours in educating the students rather than performing system administration tasks.


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