Date of Award

Summer 8-2017

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Electrical Engineering


Electrical Engineering

Major Professor

Huimin Chen

Second Advisor

Linxiong Li

Third Advisor

Vesselin Jilkov


We consider the distributed detection of an emitter using multiple sensors deployed at deterministic locations. The signal from the emitter follows a signal attenuation model dependent on the distance between the sensor and the emitter. The sensors transmit their decisions to the fusion center through a parallel access Binary Symmetric Channel (BSC) with a cross-over probability. We seek to optimize the detection performance under a prescribed false alarm at the sensor level and at the system level. We consider the triangular topology structure and using the least favorable emitter range study the impact of the BSC on the system level detection fusion rules. The MAJORITY fusion rule is found to be optimal under certain conditions.


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