Date of Award

Fall 12-2017

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Film and Theatre


Film and Theatre

Major Professor

Laszlo Fulop

Second Advisor

Erik Hansen

Third Advisor

Florent "Danny" Retz


Throughout the pages of my thesis, I comprehensively analyze the processes, intentions, and production of my thesis film Stay Woke. My examination will exhaustively probe every stage of the film from development to preproduction to production to postproduction and beyond. Individual aspects of this process including writing, casting, locations, production design, cinematography, directing, budgeting, scheduling, and postproduction workflows will be detailed. As I make elaborations in each section, I will explain my learning experiences from each day’s new tasks, challenges, and lessons. All of these things will be framed with regards to the overall goal and themes of the film.


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