Date of Award

Spring 5-2018

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Computer Science


Computer Science

Major Professor

Shengru Tu

Second Advisor

Vassil Roussev

Third Advisor

N. Adlai Depano


Often times groups of domain experts, such as scientists and engineers, will develop their own software modules for specialized computational tasks. When these users determine there is a need to integrate the data and computations used in their specialized components with an enterprise data management system, interoperability between the enterprise system and the specialized components rather than re-implementation allows for faster implementation and more flexible change management by shifting the onus of changes to the scientific components to the subject matter experts rather than the enterprise information technology team. The Jython-based RESTful web service API was developed to leverage code reflection to provide access to Python scripts via RESTful web service calls, providing access to any function available in a Python script accessible to the REST server.


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