Date of Award

Summer 8-2018

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Fine Arts


Fine Arts

Major Professor

Cheryl Hayes

Second Advisor

Anthony Campbell

Third Advisor

Ariya Martin

Fourth Advisor

Jeff Rinehart


I take inspiration from ordinary objects and materials. Through photography, I attempt to transcend the familiar to discover complexity within the bits and pieces of my everyday life. Like other artistic representations, a photograph is a singular portrayal, not an actualization of physical reality. My artistic exploration of this involves incorporating elements of abstraction to point to the truth that all photographs are, by nature, an abstraction of our physical reality based on perspective. The resulting images often share a quality of impermanence, counterbalanced by the act of making a photographic document. By evoking this temporal quality of photography and abstracting familiar materials and surfaces, I aim to create a playful tension in my imagery.


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Included in

Fine Arts Commons
