Date of Award

Fall 12-2019

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Civil Engineering


Civil and Environmental Engineering

Major Professor

Dr. Norma Jean Mattei

Second Advisor

Dr. Engin Egeseli

Third Advisor

Dr. Malay Ghose Hajra


In the oil and gas industry, brownfield projects focus on the modification of or addition to an existing production facility that is fully operational and operating. Welding is typically avoided on these projects. The drilling of holes in existing primary structural elements is also prohibited. Clamped connections are often used when adding additional services in a brownfield project. There are different types of clamped connections utilized when a new structural support must be attached to an existing vertical structural pipe. The short bolt clamped connection is a well-established connection and typically used on offshore projects. The U-bolt clamped connection is an alternative connection, although its use in the offshore oil and gas industry is not as well documented. The main drawback to using the U-bolt clamp connection is the lack of a well researched and vetted design methodology. A preliminary analysis methodology is proposed in this thesis. The material, fabrication, installation, and maintenance of both the short bolt connection and U-bolt connection will also be discussed. The following thesis will end with recommendations for moving forward.


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