Date of Award

Summer 8-2020

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Film and Theatre


Drama and Communications

Major Professor

David Hoover


The mystical appeal of a circle reverberates throughout the practice of theatre: from the story circles of our ancestors echoing through the caves and across the ancient savannahs to the modern-day arena palaces that allow playwrights, directors, actors, producers, designers, craftspeople, and, ultimately audiences, to engage and embrace our retold truths, we face each other in circles. This writing references academic instruction and professional experiences in live theatre, documenting various appearances of the circle metaphor as the rehearsal core drives through the production process. It is an endorsement of the circle’s power to the initial table read and beyond: this focus highlights the production core, that combination of director, stage manager and actor that circles the playwright’s initial spark, and, through the daily rehearsal process, stimulates the concentric circles of the producing staff, designers, and, ultimately, the audience.


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