Date of Award

Spring 5-2021

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program



Civil and Environmental Engineering

Major Professor

Cothren, Gianna

Second Advisor

Rincon, Guillermo

Third Advisor

Mattei, Norma Jean


Disputes between adjacent property owners in which new development at higher elevation requirements has caused adverse effects in stormwater drainage towards lower, older developments has recently grown in concern. The difference of elevations between properties causes a faster sheet flow effect that bypasses existing drainage paths in the servitude. The goal of this research is to design a low impact development methodology that encourages detention and redirection back toward the shared drainage boundary. Detention is encouraged through subsurface infiltration, storage and re-direction of the flow path. Infiltration trench simulations using EPA’s SWMM software were used to mirror the new LID design and obtain hydrological outcomes of the study site to confirm initial applicability. The trenches sufficiently reduced peak flows for the site based on various parameters. The next step in completing this research is constructing the new LID system on campus to calibrate and verify the system design.


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