Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Computer Science


Computer Science

Major Professor

Richard III, Golden

Second Advisor

Tu, Shengru

Third Advisor

Roussev, Vassil


The explosive growth in technology has led to a new league of a crime involving identity theft, stealing trade secrets, malicious virus attacks, hacking of DVD players, etc. The law enforcement community which has been trained to deal with traditional form of crime, is now being trained in a new realm of Digital Forensics. Forensics investigators have realized that often the most valuable resource available to them is experience and knowledge of fellow investigators. But there is seldom an explicit mechanism for disseminating this knowledge. Hence the same problems and mistakes continue to resurface and the same solutions are re-invented. In this Thesis we design and create a knowledge base, a Digital Forensics Repository, to support the sharing of experiences about the Forensics Investigation Process. It offers capabilities such as submission of lessons, online search and retrieval which will provide a means of querying into an ever increasing knowledge base.


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