Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program



School of Urban Planning and Regional Studies

Major Professor

Bethany Stich

Second Advisor

Carol Short

Third Advisor

Guang Tian


This research examined the benefits and drawbacks of deepening the Lower Mississippi River to fifty feet. It established that the deepening of the Lower Mississippi River will impact not only the local area but also the inland regions that rely on the river systems and lower river ports for product movement. The perspectives of vessel operators, maritime industry experts and charterers are provided to offer insight. The sources for the research include educational literature, maritime research and interviews of industry experts. Based on this research, it is clear that this project will benefit many parties. The beneficiaries will include both local and international interests. These benefits will include new land as a result of using the dredged material and better economies of scale by allowing more heavily loaded vessels to transit the area. The findings associated with this research make it abundantly clear that the project will indeed benefit many.


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