Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program




Major Professor

Stevens, Edwin

Second Advisor

Boyd, Kevin

Third Advisor

Rick, Steven


The three-dimensional quadrupole ion trap (QIT) is an extraordinary device. It functions both as an ion store in which gaseous ions can be confined for a period of time and as a mass spectrometer of considerable mass range and variable mass resolution. Over the past few decades, it has evolved into a powerful tool for both research and routine analysis. The basic objective of this thesis is the development of a three-dimensional quadrupole ion trap with cylindrical symmetry in laminar approximation. The laminar construction allows hyperbolic geometry to be well approximated with minimal construction effort and also provides more access into the trap through interlaminar spaces without disruption of the field. The performance of the trap is examined in the mass selective trapping mode and mass-selective instability mode. Fourier detection is also done. Resolution of our instrument is limited by the external hardware. There is not good enough data quality and so not a good enough spectrum to predict its resolution accurately. A few changes to the instrumentation of the trap will improve the resolution.


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