Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Counselor Education


Educational Leadership, Counseling, and Foundations

Major Professor

Herlihy, Barbara

Second Advisor

Fall, Kevin

Third Advisor

Christensen, Teresa

Fourth Advisor

Watson, Zarus

Fifth Advisor

McCollum, Vivian


This is a phenomenological study on the experience of wellness of counselor education students who are mothers. The study used seven participants in two rounds of interviews and one focus group. Participants were of varying stages of motherhood and at different points in their doctoral journey. Findings included participants' views of motherhood and womanhood, sacrifices and rewards, counselor education program support, wellness, and dissonance of multiple roles. Findings were compared within and across cases using themes and categories. Suggestions for further research are made as well as implications for this population and counselor education.


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