Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Civil Engineering


Civil and Environmental Engineering

Major Professor

Satish Bastola

Second Advisor

Gianna Cothren, Ph.D., P.E.

Third Advisor

Donald E Barbe, Ph.D.


Accurate estimation of primary consolidation of in-situ marsh soils is inherently difficult in south Louisiana due to the soft, settlement prone soils and variable alluvial material. To investigate the accuracy of settlement analysis methods commonly utilized in local practice, estimates from numerical models were compared to the results of a settlement monitoring program at a project site during construction. Sensitivity analyses were then performed using several parameters that were used in the settlement analysis, and the results were compared to the field observations.

The disagreement of observed settlement data and settlement estimates produced with a model that did not include construction staging highlights the importance of including staged fill placement in a settlement model. Similarly, adjustment of most soil properties resulted in changes of both the magnitude and timeline of settlement, indicating the importance of the selection of appropriate model parameters.


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