Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program




Major Professor

Max Krochmal

Second Advisor

Andrea Mosterman

Third Advisor

Al Kennedy


The study of school systems in Thibodaux, the seat of Lafourche Parish, adds to research on school desegregation in Southern rural communities. This thesis highlights the untold story of the Black community's resistance to segregation in Thibodaux and efforts by white officials to maintain a segregated school system. Black resistance included a petition filed in 1955 and the Edward Hill v. Lafourche Parish School Board (1967) case. Partial integration began in 1966, but the parish did not establish a unitary system until the 1968-1969 school year. This research focuses on the Lafourche Parish public school system from first through twelfth grades. This thesis investigates the process of desegregating schools in Thibodaux from 1954 to 1970 by analyzing the Lafourche Parish School Board records, court case records, newspapers, and oral history interviews.


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