Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program




Major Professor

Podgorski, David

Second Advisor

King, Sarah

Third Advisor

Tarr, Matthew

Fourth Advisor

Trudell, Mark

Fifth Advisor

Zito, Phoebe


Mass spectrometry is an analytical technique to identify and characterize compounds based on their molecular mass. It works by ionizing chemical compounds to generate charged molecules or fragments and then separate them according to their mass-to-charge ratio. Measuring these masses provides information about the analyzed substances' chemical structure, composition, and quantity. This technique can be used to formulate the composition of a sample and measure the concentration of a specific compound within the sample matrix. A set of analytical methods has been developed by utilizing the following technique. The process for extraction and detection of Trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) in tissues of marine organisms was created to determine its concentration in rainbow trout. TMAO is an essential molecule for farm-raised fish and, therefore, can be commonly found as a food additive to their diet. The goal was to ensure the accumulation of the supplement in the intestinal and muscular tissues of dissected fish. Another analytical method has been instituted for the multi-drug residues (MDR) analysis in food products, such as dry milk and beef and porcine tissues. The list of drugs includes nine antibiotic families found in food products.

Residues can either be administered drug or a metabolite of a drug. Consumption of these residues can pose a threat due to allergic reactions, carcinogenicity, and antimicrobial resistance. Regulatory bodies, such as the EU, US FDA, and Codex, formulated a list of maximum residue limits (MRL) in animal-derived products. Thus, the method for simultaneous analysis of these drugs and their metabolites is crucial to uphold the guidelines set on the market. Both detection methods, TMAO and MDR, were put on the Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) systems. This analytical technique is commonly used for detecting residual amounts of contaminants due to its high sensitivity. Through the analysis, traces of TMAO and drug residues were found in fish tissues, dry milk, bovine and porcine tissues.


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Available for download on Wednesday, August 08, 2029
