
Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Urban Studies


Planning and Urban Studies

Major Professor

Bethany Stich

Second Advisor

Monica Farris

Third Advisor

John Kiefer


Universities and colleges are uniquely qualified to serve as community showcases on incorporating environmental sustainability across education, research, operations and leadership. Campuses can serve as living laboratories that benefit students, employees and the local community. The Whole Institution Approach to sustainability promotes active engagement of the entire school in a holistic way. Leadership plays a key role in embedding sustainability across curriculum, research, operations and community engagement.

The purpose of this study was to research universities of the Gulf South to determine what environmental sustainability practices they have in place and examine if there are trends related to university characteristics. Part of the research was to determine sustainability practices in place at institutions of higher education in the Gulf South related to academics, research, operations and leadership. Characteristics of universities such as land grant status, location, research activity, annual enrollment, and highest degree offered were reviewed to determine if certain types of universities were more likely to incorporate environmental sustainability practices.


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