Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Political Science


Political Science

Major Professor

Steigerwalt, Amy

Second Advisor

Engstrom, Richard


There are many facets of impeachment that warrant examination. The impeachment inquiries of individual presidents and federal judges have all been studied in depth, but one aspect of impeachment still remains fundamentally unexplored: Under what circumstances will the House of Representatives vote to impeach a federal judge? This thesis is a systematic, empirical study of the impeachments of federal judges. All 65 impeachment inquiries brought against federal judges over the last 209 years are studied in order to assess a number of factors across every federal judicial impeachment inquiry in order to draw conclusions about the conditions under which federal judges are impeached. I will test six hypotheses and draw conclusions from the results in order to determine if any of these factors help explain why the House of Representatives has voted to impeach some federal judges but not others.


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