Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Environmental Engineering


Civil and Environmental Engineering

Major Professor

McCorquodale, John Alex

Second Advisor

Kura, Bhaskar

Third Advisor

Cothren, Gianna


The fate of nutrients and their relationships in the London Avenue Canal is very complex. This study was undertaken to assess the water quality of the canal in wet and dry weather conditions, and to develop a 2 "“ layer model to predict the response of the canal to storm water discharges. Samples were collected at specific locations and at five different depths during wet and dry weather periods. These were used as background values in the model and for comparing the model output with the actual field results to verify the validity of the model. A 2-layer model has been developed to predict the response time of the system during and after a pumping event. This model has been used to predict various scenarios and the corresponding response times. The results by and large confirm the field data observed for certain parameters.


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