Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program




Major Professor

Sieg, Jerry

Second Advisor

Williams, Robin

Third Advisor

Petersen, Ed


This piece was started during the spring semester of 2005. The original conception was to write something that was both emotionally and mentally moving. The tempo is very slow, 54 beats per minute. The underlying theme is the harmonic movement of an E minor triad (E G B) moving to a F major 7th chord (F A C E). This chord is often approached using deceiving the listener with a do – re – ma – do melody in E minor, but when the final E is heard, it has become the 7th degree of the cadence chord, F major 7th. This theme is carried through several colors. The first time it is heard is in the strings. Then, primarily stated in the middle register, we hear it in a wind trio consisting of clarinet, bassoon and horn. The next section is a low rumbling effect where the low strings and bass clarinet make the statement. Lastly, before a quasi-development section, the statement is heard in highest register with the flute, oboe, clarinet, and violins. This last statement peaks and the piece begins to slightly accelerate and make use of eighth notes in a polyphonic exploration in E minor. After this is established the tonality becomes blurred and cadences are delayed. The first violin and flute seem to be behind a couple measures even though they are considered of the fastest instruments in the orchestra. Eventually the orchestra collides and unites again to build strength, but it is of no use because they seem to have hard trouble finding the original tonality. When they final reach the E minor tonality again, they are exhausted and gradually fade away to the final cadence where we hear the two thematic chords simultaneously: strings – E minor, high winds – F major.


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