Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program




Major Professor

Rosenzweig, Zeev

Second Advisor

Cole, Richard

Third Advisor

Wang, Guijun


Luminescenct Quantum Dots (QDs) intrigue the interest of researchers with their properties of high quantum yield, broad absorption and narrow emission spectra. Since prepared in organic solvents, QDs are not suitable for biological systems. In my study, several methods of "cap exchange" were tested to enable forming water-soluble QDs with minimal aggregation .The QD-mercaptoacetic acid is simple to synthesize and has good water-solubility, but the QDs are not stable. The direct attachment of peptide molecules to the QDs can passivate the surface and enable water solubility of QDs. It is only applicable for phytochelatin-related peptides, not for all kind of peptides. The co-coupling peptide and PEG on QDs, has good water-solubility when the quantity of PEG and coupling agent EDAC are controlled. The enzymatic activities based on QDs FRET system at different environments was demonstrated and the results show that pH affect the enzymatic activity significantly.


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