Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Computer Science


Computer Science

Major Professor

Winters-Hilt, Stephen

Second Advisor

Fu, Bin

Third Advisor

Tu, Shengru

Fourth Advisor

Abdelguerfi, Mahdi


The external-Support Vector Machine (SVM) clustering algorithm clusters data vectors with no a priori knowledge of each vector's class. The algorithm works by first running a binary SVM against a data set, with each vector in the set randomly labeled, until the SVM converges. It then relabels data points that are mislabeled and a large distance from the SVM hyperplane. The SVM is then iteratively rerun followed by more label swapping until no more progress can be made. After this process, a high percentage of the previously unknown class labels of the data set will be known. With sub-cluster identification upon iterating the overall algorithm on the positive and negative clusters identified (until the clusters are no longer separable into sub-clusters), this method provides a way to cluster data sets without prior knowledge of the data's clustering characteristics, or the number of clusters.


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