Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Computer Science


Computer Science

Major Professor

Chiu, Ming-Hsing

Second Advisor

Richard, Golden

Third Advisor

DePano, N. Adlai A.


Mobility is the most important feature of a wireless cellular communication system. Usually, continuous service is achieved by supporting handoff (or handover) from one cell to another. Handoff is the process of changing the channel associated with the current connection while a call is in progress. It is often initiated either by crossing a cell boundary or by deterioration in quality of the signal in the current channel. In this thesis, the different types of handoff controlled mechanisms are proposed and analyzed by passing the parameters offset address, Header information associated with the file, bit rate and bit resolution. The objective is to have an effective algorithm which provides a seamlessly migrate the session so that it stays close to the client, thus providing high quality video to the user. The implementation provides all the different types of hanoff techniques possible and a exclusive performance study has been done on all these techniques providing the benefit and the drawbacks of each approach.


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