Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Film, Theatre & Communication Arts


Film, Theatre, and Communication Arts

Major Professor

Boyden, Amanda

Second Advisor

Boyden, Joseph

Third Advisor

Winter, Michael


Adrift is a novel about Telemaka Miller, a beautiful young woman who cannot say no to men as a result of her father's abandoning her when she was young. Loosely based on Homer's epic poem The Odyssey (in which Odysseus' son, Telemakos, sets out to look for his lost father), the novel traces Telemaka's search for her father through an endless string of lovers. The novel opens in 2005, when Telemaka is in her late twenties, and works its way backward through her twenties, teens, and adolescence to the moment in her childhood when her father left the family.


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