Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Educational Administration


Educational Leadership, Counseling, and Foundations

Major Professor

Johnson, Barbara

Second Advisor

Perry, Andre

Third Advisor

Williams, Leonard

Fourth Advisor

Hill, Obie

Fifth Advisor

Watson, Zarus


The study explored the perceptions of thirteen, female student-athletes who chose to participate in intercollegiate athletics, specifically basketball. Each of the participants was enrolled at a Division I institution in the same athletic conference. Both institutions are nationally ranked institutions in their primary (revenue generating) sport (NCAA, 2004). All of the participants were offered full athletic scholarships to other institutions, yet they made their college choice decision based on multiple factors. The data revealed that although student-athletes undergo a similar process as non-athletes, their experience in many ways was different due to the additional factors they have to consider. As indicated by the findings of this study, the process to choose a college was a challenge for student-athletes as they considered the opinions of others, the prestige of the coach and the collegiate athletic program and their commitment to academic performance. Overall, participants were satisfied with their college choice process and felt they identified the institution that fit their personal and academic goals.


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