Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Public Administration


School of Urban and Regional Studies

Major Professor

Miestchovich, Ivan

Second Advisor

Whelan, Robert

Third Advisor

Nelson, Marla


This thesis will look into one of the largest geographic areas of economic development potential in New Orleans; the area known as New Orleans East. A look at its past will be explored as a gateway to the problems it has been faced with and why such large areas still remain unused. With the passing of Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans East suffered tremendous damages. A careful, yet creative look at revitalization in this area could produce economic wealth for the City. Various economic development strategies will be analyzed as a catalyst for generating economic growth for New Orleans East and a new path for the City of New Orleans, one that far surpasses the economic adversities and political corruption that is embedded in its history.


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