Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program



Earth and Environmental Sciences

Major Professor

Kulp, Mark


Biostratigraphic techniques are commonly used in shallow environments of the Gulf of Mexico basin for depositional history modeling in petroleum exploration applications. Extending these interpretations to deep-water settings, where the structural and depositional history is more complex, is problematic. A localized study area was used for a case-analysis of a typically complex deep-water study area. A dataset of seismic, well-log, and biostratigraphic information was used to: (a) assess accuracy of the biostratigraphic interpretations produced by Fillon (2005), (b) determine specific pitfalls of micropaleontology as a tool in this environment, and (c) provide guidelines for the application of biostratigraphic data in the deep-water. Results indicate that the previous depo-history modeling did not account for local complexity, thus lessening utility at the petroleum exploration scale. Future studies in this environment should account for sections transported down-dip, isolation of depocenters, autocyclic variability, and reduce reliance on the condensed section as a chronostratigraphic tool.


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