Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program



Geology and Geophysics

Major Professor

Pavlis, Terry

Second Advisor

Derstler, Kraig

Third Advisor

Kulp, Mark


Field mapping along the western termination of the Chugach Metamorphic Complex (CMC) revealed a new D2 structure, the Bremner foliation fan. This structure has a high strain, vertically foliated core, with moderate-shallow dipping cleavages to the north and south which rollover into the core. The fan appears to have propagated from below by a shear-zone at depth (O'Driscoll, 2006). Description of the Bremner foliation fan revealed that the Bremner shear zone of Pavlis and Sisson (2003) is a D3 structure, and that the Stuart Creek fault is a younger brittle fault with 90km of dextral offset. Electron Back Scatter Diffraction (EBSD) and microstructural observations revealed deformation mechanisms were primarily compositionally controlled, whereas P-T-t conditions played a secondary role. Other factors, deemed to be of lesser influence included increased pressure solution caused by high fluid mobility, a lack of pore space, high levels of free aluminum, and a load-bearing framework of phyllosilicates.


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