Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program



Civil and Environmental Engineering

Major Professor

Tittelbaum, Marty

Second Advisor

Kura, Bhaskar

Third Advisor

Barbe, Donald


This research focused on the calibration of the Buildup and Washoff for dissolved iron. The test site located at the intersection of the Interstate-10 and Interstate-610, New Orleans, Louisiana. Storm water runoff from the examined elevated roadway section was analyzed for 14 storm events. The model used a linear function of antecedent dry time for the buildup model. The rating curve assumption was selected to estimate the pollutant transport capacity. In a further step the two were combined. The derived Buildup/Washoff model was calibrated for the collected data and precipitation data of the International Airport of New Orleans. The obtained power function for pollutant transport capacity is Y = 0.1028 * V 0.8212, where the transport capacity Y [ìg/l] and the total runoff volume V [l]. For the Buildup/Washoff model the 2 year interval gave the most reliable. The value of 12.13 mg/day was obtained for the Buildup Rate C.


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