Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program



Civil and Environmental Engineering

Major Professor

Tittelbaum, Marty

Second Advisor

Kura, Bhaskar

Third Advisor

Barbe, Donald


This proposed research focused on the characterization of first flush in storm water runoff from elevated roadways, to assist the establishment of a storm water program and to facilitate the selection of treatment technology. Storm water runoff from highways transports a significant load of contaminants, especially heavy metals and particulate matter, to receiving waters. Heavy metals, either in dissolved or particulate bound phases, are unique in the fact that unlike organic compounds, they are not degraded in the environment. The objective was to develop a mass loading based diagram of the "first flush." In order to achieve this goal, a general characterization of the most important variables affecting “first flush” from elevated highways was necessarily. Also point this study is the requirement of a “first flush” treatment associated with storm water runoff from elevated highways. The test site was selected at the intersection of the Interstate-10 and Interstate- 610, Orleans Parish, New Orleans, Louisiana.


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