Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program




Major Professor

Bischof, Guenter

Second Advisor

Millett, Allan

Third Advisor

Mokiber, James


The triangular relationship amongst Egypt, Great Britain, and the United States serves as a microcosm for the larger international context of the 1920s. Importantly, the relationship reveals much about Egypt's decolonization and national development strategies in the 1920s. The increasing internationalism of the 1920s offered new avenues to pursue national interests. Because of a changing a status quo, Egypt had an opportunity to reform old institutions and choose new paths of national development. Despite the colonial baggage carried by Egypt, national strategies near the end of the 1920s placed the country in a position to exert leverage on the international community not possible even in the aftermath of World War I within the international context of the British Empire.


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