Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program



Mechanical Engineering

Major Professor

Hall, Carsie III

Second Advisor

Russo, Edwin P.

Third Advisor

Guillot, Martin J.


The objective of this study is to develop an improved method for calculating the evaporative energy that is being transferred from the surface of a pond or lake to the surrounding atmosphere. The energy balance method developed in this study is based on the equations, assumptions and empirical relations for conductive, convective and radiative energies that are developed by various researches at the air-water interface conducted in the past. This method is then tested with field data for verifying its correctness. The experiment was conducted on a 200-meter diameter and 9 meter deep fresh water pond. Water temperatures were measured at the surface and at 2.5, 10, and 50 centimeters below the surface. Solar and sky radiation were recorded on nearby land based optical pyronameters. The following thesis is a careful study of the several published research methods in comparison with the energy-balance method.


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