Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Film, Theatre & Communication Arts


Film, Theatre, and Communication Arts

Major Professor

Lavender, William

Second Advisor

Boyden, Amanda

Third Advisor

Boyden, Joseph


Such a Lot of World is a collection of stories, essays, and vignettes that highlight various moments in the author´s life when he was traipsing across this planet of ours. The majority of these moments occur in Spain—a sad realization for the author, for he has visited many countries and very much so wanted to appear better traveled than this collection of stories lets on. The reader will be left with the impression that the author spent his junior year of college in Spain, returned to Europe to backpack for five months, and then had a few other trips here and there. While actually very close to the truth, the author still hoped to appear better traveled. Themes: relationship/friendship problems, coming of age, drinking too much, hero worship, harsh reality. There is hardly any sex in this collection. Again, a sad commentary on the author's life.


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