Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program




Major Professor

Atkinson, Connie

Second Advisor

Graves, Kevin

Third Advisor

Dupont, Robert


This brief history of the Workshop Theatre at Louisiana State University in New Orleans (LSUNO -- now UNO) relates events that played an important part in defining the racial integration of all student extracurricular activities at the university and the genesis of the current University of New Orleans (UNO) Department of Film, Theatre, and Communication Arts, during the period between the early 1950s and the early 1970s. The origin of the university is discussed briefly to inform the reader about the university's origin, its location, and how racial integration was advanced by actions at the Workshop Theatre. The remainder of the thesis traces the development of a major department of the university, its location on campus, the measures taken to extend the budget, and the faculty and students involved in the Theatre in the period prior to the construction of the Performing Arts Center on the UNO campus.


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