Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program



Geology and Geophysics

Major Professor

Serpa, Laura

Second Advisor

Sarwar, Abu K.M.

Third Advisor

Kulp, Mark


The Charity Hospital Cemetery in New Orleans, Louisiana, was used as a potter's field for over 150 years. When Charity Hospital considered selling a portion of the property ground penetrating radar (GPR) and thermal infrared (TIR) data were collected in the cemetery to locate unmarked graves. The TIR data could not be used because the expert died before compiling the TIR data. Therefore, the GPR data was the sole source of subsurface information. GPR anomalies were used to excavate 3 areas where bones and hospital supplies were subsequently found, unfortunately very limited analyses were possible on the analog GPR data. The study presented here involved digitizing data and conducting a more thorough analysis of map patterns to determine whether GPR data could be used reliably to locate burials in the cemetery. The study's result indicates that GPR is a reliable source for burial detection and other anomalies in the subsurface.


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