Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Fine Arts


Fine Arts

Major Professor

Hayes, Cheryl

Second Advisor

Richard, Jim

Third Advisor

Sullivan, David


In my artwork, I incorporate narratives, which help me explore relationships and how they exist within the context of the formal imagery on the page. The idea of storytelling highly influences the way I approach and produce art. To hint at a story will entice the viewer to make connections and create a platform on which to further inspect the image. The lines in my work attempt to mimic the way stories and information can loop and intertwine to negate the personal, surround the personal or maybe just provide something that the viewer would have to weave his way through in order to create that relationship between the disparate layers. Through my work, I seek to divert the viewer's expression of an instinctual response, from one that would be expected to one that plays with the idea of the spectator transforming from onlooker to interpreter.


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