Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Fine Arts


Fine Arts

Major Professor

Richard, H.J.

Second Advisor

Hayes, Cheryl

Third Advisor

Jenkens, Lawrence


In our present image-laden environment that only seems to keep growing, the nature of how we see and interpret this visual information becomes highly relevant for me in my art. Spectacle, nostalgia, notions of portraiture, theatricality and other visual reflections of our present culture industry, are all elements that I address in my work. It is with these ideas in mind that I construct visual fields where disparate forms and images coexist, forming new narratives aside from their individual isolated implications; incorporating art production methods that construct an evolving dichotomy that contains a sense of play, tension, and irony while evoking references to our current social experiences. Keywords: spectacle, nostalgia, portraiture, collective consciousness, culture industry


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