Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program




Major Professor

Spinu, Leonard

Second Advisor

Puri, Ashok

Third Advisor

Malkinski, Leszek

Fourth Advisor

Wiley, John


Systems of magnetic nanowires are considered strong candidates in many technological applications as microwave filters, sensors or devices for data storage. Because of their strong potential as candidates in such applications they became lately the object of many studies. However, due to the very complicated nature of the interwire interactions, their magnetic behavior is very difficult to be interpreted. The main parameter controlling the response of magnetic nanowires assemblies is the aspect ratio of the nanowires that is defined as the ratio of the length to the wire's diameter. In our study we choose to modify the aspect ratio by keeping a constant length of nanowires and modifying the wire's diameter while keeping the same interwire distance. The samples were studied at room temperature, using vibrating sample magnetometer and X-band ferromagnetic resonance experiments. The results are explained taking into account the effects of the magnetostatic interactions and shape anisotropy.


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