Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Computer Science


Computer Science

Major Professor

Winters-Hilt, Stephen

Second Advisor

Summa, Christopher

Third Advisor

Zhu, Dongxiao


Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are used for a growing number of applications. A fundamental constraint on SVM learning is the management of the training set. This is because the order of computations goes as the square of the size of the training set. Typically, training sets of 1000 (500 positives and 500 negatives, for example) can be managed on a PC without hard-drive thrashing. Training sets of 10,000 however, simply cannot be managed with PC-based resources. For this reason most SVM implementations must contend with some kind of chunking process to train parts of the data at a time (10 chunks of 1000, for example, to learn the 10,000). Sequential and multi-threaded chunking methods provide a way to run the SVM on large datasets while retaining accuracy. The multi-threaded distributed SVM described in this thesis is implemented using Java RMI, and has been developed to run on a network of multi-core/multi-processor computers.


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