Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Drama and Communications


Drama and Communications

Major Professor

Karnell, Philip

Second Advisor

Hoover, David

Third Advisor

Griffith, Kevin


A series of scenes taken from Greek theatre were collaborated and chosen to form what became known as An Evening of Greek Theatre. Along with the normal challenges of creating a production, such as memorization, blocking, costuming, and others, came challenges that were unique to this particular one. The training we are most familiar with is in the confines of realism, and this particular production had little to do with realism. The stylization created an amalgamation of techniques, which became a functional process used to create An Evening of Greek Theatre. Along with these problems were other ones, such as dealing with the mythological significance of the characters and the stigmas that go with them. This, too, provided a breeding ground for creativity and experimentation. All this came together to form a successful and rewarding production.


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