Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program



Film, Theatre, and Communication Arts

Major Professor

Overton, Hamp

Second Advisor

McGowan-Hartmann, John

Third Advisor

Sieg, Jerry


Art can be the bearer of expressive qualities embodied into the work by its creator. The creator of the work can imbed into the work his or her own feelings which are deeper than mere emotions. The emotions can be named, but the feelings are on a deeper subconscious more intangible level for which mere labels can not describe, but which in sensitive hands can be incorporated into the work. In the case of narrative film, which is a collaborative art form, it is the choices made by the film's director which facilitates this process, augmented by the musical score when present. The feelings and emotion embedded into the film are in the form of vital energies which can be felt by the viewer. In narrative film it is the images and music that communicates the emotion to the audience.


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