Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Environmental Engineering


Civil and Environmental Engineering

Major Professor

Kura, Bhaskar

Second Advisor

La Motta, Enrique J.

Third Advisor

Williams, Patricia M.


Particulate matter in the ambient air of down-town New Orleans, LA, is not currently recorded by any government, state, or private organization. This research quantified particulate matter (PM) and its metal concentration in ambient air of the New Orleans Historic District. Both, PM10 (PM less than 10 micron in size) and PM2.5 (PM less than 2.5 micron in size) were quantified by gravimetric analysis using an Andersen Dichotomous Sampler (Series 240). Posterior to gravimetric analysis, the filters were analyzed with a fluorescent test method using an Innov-X Portable XRF Analyzer (Model A-6500). This study demonstrated that the ambient air of the New Orleans Historic District is in compliance with the National Ambient Ai Quality Standards regarding contamination of particulate matter and Lead.


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