Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Environmental Engineering


Civil and Environmental Engineering

Major Professor

Kura, Bhaskar

Second Advisor

Barbe, Donald

Third Advisor

Williams, Patricia


Increasing applications of nano materials in medicine, construction, textiles, computers, and other consumer goods have lead to increasing concerns of their effect on human health and ecology during synthesis, manufacturing, use, and disposal of nano-materials. Though much scientific progress has been made in nano material synthesis, manufacturing, and application in consumer goods and other sectors such as medicine, textiles and more, not much progress has been made in understanding the adverse effects of nano materials on human health and the environment. Physical, chemical, toxicological characteristics of these nano materials and their fate in the environment are important in understanding their adverse effects on the environmental and human health. This study is aimed at developing a preliminary framework for risk assessment (RA) and risk management (RM) of nano materials based on fundamental principles of chemistry, physics, toxicology, and other related disciplines.


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