Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Applied Physics



Major Professor

Zhou, Weilie; Stokes, Kevin

Second Advisor

Malkinski, Leszek

Third Advisor

Spinu, Leonard


In this thesis, we demonstrate in-situ scanning electron microscopy techniques for both electron beam lithography (EBL) and in-situ one dimensional nano materials electrical characterization. A precise voltage contrast image positioning for in-situ EBL to integrate nanowires into suspended structures for nanoswitch fabrication has been developed. The in-situ EBL eliminates the stage movement error and field stitching error by preventing any movements of the stage during the nanolithography process; hence, a high precision laser stage and alignment marks on the substrate are not needed, which simplifies the traditional EBL process. The ZnO piezoelectronics is also studied using nano-manipulators in scanning electron microscope. Methods to improve the contact have been demonstrated and the contacts between probe tips and the nanowires are found to have significant impact on the measurement results.


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